Talk about a nightmare that involves 20, 000. This happened in real life as a queen bee got trapped inside the4x4 vehicle which resulted to her hive chasing down the vehicle for two days.
It took 5 different beekeepers to get rid of the bees by coaxing them into a cardboard and let the wind blow them off the Mitsubishi Outlander.

According to the Roger Burns of the Pembrokshire Beekeepers, the owner of the car did not know that the queen bee was trapped at the back of the car only to find the boot of bees the following day.
Roger said, “We think the queen had been attracted to something in the car, perhaps something sweet, and had got into a gap on the boot’s wiper blade or perhaps the hinge.
‘The swarm of around 20,000 had followed her and were sat around on the boot of the car. I brought over a cardboard box and carefully brushed them into there as quickly as possible as I was aware it was a big swarm in the middle of the high street.”
‘I have been beekeeping for 30 years and I have never seen a swarm do that. It is natural for them to follow the queen but it is a strange thing to see and quite surprising to have a car followed for two days. It was quite amusing,’ he added.
Source: Metro
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