BB Gandanghari recently shared her struggles as a trans woman trying to make it in Hollywood. The actress is currently residing in the United States in an attempt to pursue her Hollywood dream. In a two-part open letter posted on Instagram, BB shared how her 2017 did not go as well as she had initially hoped. She described as her scariest times, sharing how she has never prayed harder in her life.
In November of 2016, BB Gandanghari announced that her petition to be recognized as a woman and for a change of gender was finally approved by a court in California. The actress then welcomed 2017 with very high hopes.
The PBB alumna also admitted that she has always wanted to become a Hollywood actress. On September 2017, BB excitedly announced that she had signed with The Brogan Agency, a US-based talent management firm. Less than a year after being legally recognized as a woman, BB’s future seemed bright.
However, BB shared that things were not always as easy as they seemed.
In the first part of her open letter, BB shared how she initially gave herself a 3-month deadline to pursue her Hollywood dream but ended up pushing it back because of her insecurities. She said she started working on her profile and resume as early as January 2017, but it was not until June when she finally felt ready to send it out. By that time, the 50 year-old actress was told that she needed to update her headshot.
She also shared how she became an out-of budget actress, struggling to pay her rent and the bills just to pursue her dream. In fact, on December 2017, her brother Robin Padilla revealed that BB was now working as an Uber driver in the US to support herself. He said he he could not help but worry about her as he has always been protective of her.
BB Gandanghari admitted in her letter that she has never prayed harder. She confessed how her insecurities were slowly overwhelming her, but that she knew that she had to overcome these limitations. The actress also said she knew she had to update her headshot soon, lest she go back home broke.
Megastar Sharon Cuneta expressed her love for BB Gandanghari and commented on her old friend’s post, telling her that her efforts will be rewarded somehow. She also reminded the aspiring Hollywood actress that she is loved by many and wished her true happiness.
The second part of her open letter was posted a day after the first. In it, BB talked about the discrimination she experienced as a transgender woman looking for a job. She shared how she had to go in survival mode, as living in Los Angeles was far from cheap. The actress had to take up double shifts in order to pay her bills, on top of which she had to work on her headshots. She got a few calls, but nothing really came from those.
Then came a call from The Brogan Agency.
The talent firm scheduled BB Gandanghari’s interview two weeks after the call. These two weeks, she shared, seemed to last forever for someone whose jobs were already taking a toll.
BB said she had to reach out to the people closest to her for support in all aspects of her life, but emotional support proved to be the most vital. The actress said she was heartbroken to see both sides of these people’s belief and confidence in her.
Finally, after being signed to the Brogan Agency, BB Gandanghari found herself auditioning to a few top network shows. She was very proud to share that she even went as far as being put on hold for a role.
She ended her letter on a hopeful and optimistic note, finally seeing “the light at the end of this long and dark tunnel.” For the aspiring Hollywood actress, 2017 will always be the year that she finally came to terms with her whole being.
What do you think about BB Gandanghari’s bittersweet pursuit of her Hollywood dream? Do you admire her for not giving up? Share your opinions in the comments section below!
Sources: PEP | Rappler | ABS-CBN News | ABS-CBN News |
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