While many politicians expressed their dismay over President Rodrigo Duterte’s pronouncements about cutting ties with the long-standing ally of the Philippines, the United States, aspirant Senator Greco Belgica defended him by explaining his views about the matter.
It can be recalled that President Duterte announced that he will be working closely with China and Russia instead of US as the global superpower kept criticizing his administration’s war against illegal drugs. Former President Fidel Ramos called the decision a ‘let-down’ and believes that it was rash given the effect it may bring the country.
But Belgica believes otherwise and supports the President’s tough stance against the United States. He wrote:
” Why Duterte hates America? And to the HYPOCRITES bashing Duterte’s foreign policy!
First of all I am witness of what happened to China and saw how they treated us. Secondly, I paid for all my tickets, hotel, and food. I did not spend a single centavo of tax money and so did the 500 business delegates that came.
Foreign policy is not based on how you feel about a country, but the VALUE that is placed in the relationship. Kung baga “Magkaibigan nga tayo, wala naman akong pakinabang sayo”.
An independent foreign policy finds strength on freedom. Freedom from any external influence other than of its own, who looks after its own benefits and liberties.
Its not that Duterte hates America, Its the way America is treating us that he finds unfair, unjust, and insulting to the Filipinos, hampering economic development and threatens our security and sovereignty as a nation.
The Americans don’t treat us as equals, it sees us as inferiors.
We are as good as any free man and nation there is. And we can be better than what we are today. I know that for a fact, because I finished my post graduate studies in the States. I am not anti-American, but I understand what it means to be free.
And we take all this for what? For peanuts coming from America compared to economic trade they get by staying in our region from our neighbors at the expense of our security as a people. This is stupidity, hypocrisy and unfair.
I pose this questions to our hypocritical bashers and to enlighten the well meaning Filipinos asking why Duterte hates America so much:
1.Why do these hypocrites accuse us of EJK and call us friends at the same time? When Duterte is cleaning the country of illegal drugs and narco-politics. Is America laying down the foundation for invasion as it did with Gadaffi, Sadam and Al-Quaeda using human rights abuse as its excuse?
DAMN YOU if you are!
It is America who started to paint this picture to the world. Without the benefit of proper investigation and proof and only sourcing its reports from the Presidents political enemies – De Lima, an Abs Cbn reporter, Rappler and the likes. And from a political party linked to the biggest illegal drugs case, corruption and treasonous acts the President is investigating.
2.Rather than diplomatically mending broken trust like the friend they say they are, they come with threats and tirades of economic and legal sanctions like prejudiced activists.
Sanctions? Who made them judge over us? And what evidence have they brought to court?
3.Because of their strategic military position through our islands, the US poses threat to China’s security thus, trading trillions of dollars every year through the very wealthy South China sea.
Oh…have they paid rent over our islands and ports? And is it right to ask, if it is fair to ask Filipinos for a visa to visit America, when they don’t need one to come to the Philippines? When both people are visiting or doing business at the same time in the first place.
U.S. already owes China more than $ 1.4T when the Philippines has almost no trade with China because of this little brown brother stupid perception.
Not even our banana’s and mangoe’s were welcome to China. Has America done anything to help us get into the business? Yet they continue to exercise influence over the south China sea leveraging their military presence in the Philippines. And we get nothing from the loot.
4.It is their very presences that poses security threats to both the Philippines and China. Using us as leverage against our neighbors who hates us only because of them. China and the Philippines has never had a long standing problem with each other other than a perceived American influence over our foreign economic and military policy. We have been trading with China longer before the Americans came to our shore. Trading with China is not new to the Philippines. Why do you hate this arrangement so much when there is more Chinese blood in us than American, and we think more oriental than western.
You hate this only because you are Pro-American or your bosses are working for the. Your bosses are benefiting from the America because every time they find a President that will stand against them, they will run to the CIA and have them replaced by their puppet.
Not because you love the Philippines.
If we can trade with the U.S. why can’t we trade with China? If we can be friends with the U.S. who has been occupying territories in the Philippines for decades, why should we be enemies to China?
Do you really want war? Or would we rather have peace and trade with our neighbors?
I personally witnessed how the Chinese honored the presence of our President in our recent trip. It was like a celebration of the return of a long lost brother. It was said that how President Duterte was received was different and more special from how other nation were received. Evidenced by the investment and trade commitments Duterte brought back home.
You can not be more prouder to be Filipino than you are today.
Over dinner at a traditional Chinese restaurant with my friends, when the waiters found out that I was part of Duterte’s delegation…they cheered wow and clapped! Nag papicture, autograph at nagtawag ng kanyang mga kasamahan para mag pa picture! Is that not honor for you and I?
What China offers us for friendship:
1.Peace in our region. We have saved millions of lives that can be lost if war breaks up. We have saved billions of dollars to urgently buy battleships, land to air rockets, war planes because the urgency of war in our region has dissipated.
2.$ 10B line if we need it.
3.$ 24B investment for infrastructure, railroads, super highways, internet and technology.
4.And we are now part of the $ 800T development program called 1 belt, 1 region program lead by China that we were never part of before the state visit of the President to China.
Duterte does not hate America. He hates how it treats us as a people and as a sovereign state. He hates that BULLSHIT that the CIA is doing to us every time we will have a leader that will not bend to their demand.
And for the colonials, who spends their day bashing us for agreeing with Digong’s independent foreign policy, if you really love the Philippines, why are you so mad against moves to open up trade with other nation such as China, when your American hero is not in the position to help us develop our nation because it is busy coping up with its own economic problems?
Then don’t use anything made in China!
We are no longer a colony of any one. Not of America, not of China. We are Filipinos and we are free!
And we know that the only reason you are attacking the independent stand of Duterte is because you are protecting your American bosses who are benefiting from American influence over the Philippines.
Or you are working with the Liberal Party who are running scared because of the anomalies their administration is exposed to. Not for the Filipinos interest. But for your own.
I went there to personally see what was going on with China and the Philippines.
Ikaw maliban sa bashing ano ginawa mo?”