Recently, a video took the internet by storm. A massacre was captured by cctv cameras. This was the historic Columbine Massacre in Colorado which took place on April 20, 1999. Two students caused extreme havoc and staged the most violent and heartless massacre happening which took place in a high school setting. The two highschoolers were Eric Harris and Dylan Klybold.
According to reports, the massacre was planned extensively and with much complexity. They planted 99 explosive devices and a fire bomb to divert the firefighters. All in all they murdered 12 students, and injured 24, 3 of which got shot while escaping the school. cctv footages captured the havoc and how the victims pleaded them to stop.
In the end, the two perpetrators committed suicide. Their motives and what provoked them is still unknown.
However, the video was not the real footage of the video. It was actually the film Zero Down which was based on the Columbine Massacre. The said movie was directed by Ben Coccio and was produced at the year 2003.
Watch the video below:
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