The first ever man in the world was able to conceive is finally getting back in shape. The man named Thomas Beatie was really born as a woman back in 1974 as Tracy Lagondino. But he knew deep inside in his heart that he wanted t be a man, so he began taking testosterone injections in his twenties which resulted to making his facial hair more visible, lowers his voice and made his sexual organ minimize.
In a mastectomy, he had his breasts removed in 2012 and his wife Nancy Beatie wanted to remover her uterus by hysterectomy.
It was already 8 years since he started taking testosterone but they have now decided to have a baby. He made a decision of keeping his female reproductive organs and with the help of artificial insemination a child was developed.
They now have 3 wonderful kids using the same process and she is now on her way to recovery as he is getting back in shape. They are now living in Arizona with the overwhelming attention from the online people. He is still taking testosterone at the age of 37.
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