Baba Vanga, or more commonly known as 'Nostradamus of the Balkans', is famous for her extremely accurate visions. And she has some creepy predictions for 2017.
She is a Bulgarian prophet who became popular after she predicted the 9/11 terror attack in the Twin Towers in New York City. According to her, she saw an 'American brethren' attacked by 'two steel birds'. This is believed to be referring to the the hijacked jets which hit the World Trade Center.
According to her, she had her first vision when she was just 12 years old. This was after a storm damaged her eyesight as she was thrown out by the wind. She claims to have seen many events that will take place in the future.
Some of the predictions she got right was when she predicted a 'great Muslim War' in 2010. She said it will take place in Syria and would only conclude in the year 2043 after a caliphate, an Islamic state, is built with Rome at its center.
She also said that by 2016, Europe will 'cease to exist' and would be washed out by 2017. She described it as 'almost empty' and a 'wasteland almost entirely devoid of any form of life'.
This had been quite true as the controversial 'Brexit' happened last year, and that there are reports claiming that ISIS activities are threatening the borders of the continent.
Before her death in 1996, she gave all her predictions in the coming years. See below:
"Year 2017 - Muslims will invade Europe.
Year 2023 - There will be major changes in the Earth’s orbit.
Year 2025 - The population of Europe will disappear as a result of wars.
Year 2028 - There comes an attempt to go to other planets like Venus, hopin to other sources of energy to Earth.
Year 2033 - Water levels rise due to the melting of the poles.
Year 2076 - Communism contagious return to Europe and the rest of the world.
Year 2084 - The rebirth of nature.
Year 2100 - A new sun illuminates the dark side of the planet. This could refer to a scientific project that began in 2008 and will create an artificial sun using nuclear energy.
Year 2130 - extraterrestrial civilizations might reach our planet.
Year 2170 - Global Drought.
Year 2187 - Two large volcanoes erupt.
Year 2262 - Mars is threatened by a comet.
Year 2480 - Two artificial Suns collide and leave the Earth in total darkness.
Year 3005 - A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.
Year 3010 - A comet reaches the Moon, so the Earth is covered by a ring of rocks and ashes.
Year 3797 - The Earth dies but mankind has advanced enough to move to a new solar system.
year 5079 - The universe will end."
Source: TNP, Classifiedfeed
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