- 17-year-old Dara Phung edits her picture beside Hollywood stars and posts it online
- She says it started as a prank to her classmates but they believed it
- Phung has now a collection of edited photos with celebrities like Miley Cyrus, the Kardashians and Jayden Smith to name a few
This girl may seem to belong in the groups and peers of big Hollywood stars based from her pictures in Instagram. However, she has not personally met anyone of them, not even once; thanks to her editing skills and her mobile phone that her snapshots with celebrities seem legit.
Dara Phung, a 17-year-old girl from San Francisco, California can edit her face beside big stars in as little as 10 minutes to as long as an hour. According to Unity Blott’s article for DailyMail, Phung just uses her phone when editing and has not used photo editing software Photoshop.
“I use a combination of apps like PicsArt, Enlight and Instagram to edit my photos,” she added.
Her collection of edited photos started when she was 16, just as a prank to her classmates, but her friends fell for it. Since then, she has turned it into a hobby and shared the edited photos on her Instagram account. She now has pictures with Robert Downey Jr., Jayden Smith, Kendall Jenner, Kanye West and Miley Cyrus to name a few.
Phung shared that she needs to consider the perspective and colors of herself, the celebrity and the background to come up with a realistic photo. She, as well, chooses to put her face in images with stars with large fanbases.
“Lots of users who come on my page actually believe I’ve met the stars I edit myself with and have a good laugh when they realize it’s digitally altered,” she said in an article published in Next Shark.
Because of her excellent editing skills, many followers request to have their pictures edited too with their favorite celebrities. She said she plans to grant some of the requests and do some giveaways.
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