Actor Jericho Rosales tied the knot with model Kim Jones back in 2014 after being in a relationship for almost two years. Since then, the celebrity couple is keeping busy with their respective engagements – Jericho and his showbiz commitments, and Kim with her blog as a globetrotter and fashion mover.
That’s why three years into their married life, Jericho and Kim do not have a baby yet – unlike some of their contemporaries who already have a growing brood. For Jericho, baby-making was something they’ve put on hold because of their hectic schedules. Moreover, he’s vocal with his support of Kim’s decision to chase her dreams.
But for judgmental netizens, Kim is not a “real woman” and should have a baby soon. In fact, one straight up gave an unsolicited advice to the celebrity couple, writing, “Can’t even (be) with you all the time coz she’s busy traveling and fulfilling her dreams. If she’s a wonder woman for you Jericho Rosales she should get pregnant and be a real woman!!!”
According to a CNN report, the actor defended his wife over the malicious statement, calmly replying, “I don’t think getting preggy and having babies is the only measure for being a woman…I love that my wife travels and works (for) her dreams. Makes me really proud.”
“Have the best holiday season and peace and love to you from us,” Jericho added.
Although the online user already deleted her unsavory remark, one netizen took a screenshot of the exchange and shared it on Twitter with the caption: “A real man won’t make you want to forfeit your dreams.”
The post struck a chord with fellow netizens, having been retweeted 3,700 times and racked up 11,000 likes as of writing.
Jericho earned praise and respect from other netizens for defending his wife, as well as taking a modern view on marriage and women. One wrote, “People should stop thinking that a woman’s only purpose in this life is to get married and have children.”
On Instagram, Kim was glad to have an open-minded husband like Jericho.
“Thank you, Jericho, for believing that a woman’s worth and the measure of a ‘real woman’ comes from a multitude of qualities. Thank you for believing my (read: women’s) dreams are worth chasing whatever they may be,” she wrote on Instagram Stories.
“That’s my man,” Kim beamed.
The model also shared how others contemptuously view child-free, married women. “Often my response is met with incredulity and scorn. We are all in a state of transition,” she said.
Do you agree with Jericho’s stance for his wife? What could you say about some women’s decision to be child-free? Share your opinion and thoughts in the comments section below.
Source: KAMI
The post Jericho Rosales supports wife’s choice to be child-free, earning praise from other netizens appeared first on Showbiz Insider.
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