These days, many products are available to keep women's private parts smell like fresh flowers or powder or some even promises a more far-fetched smells like perfume or garden. But according to Sara Gottfried, M.D, who wrote The Hormone Cure, women should know that their private part isn't suppose to smell nice.
"There's so much shame around the normal range of what women smell like. We're stuck with the mindset that women are expected to be nice, pretty and for their lady parts to smell really good like some fake scent. Like you're going to smell like a gardenia. And that's just going to make you miserable because that's not the normal human scent." she said. But did you know that some smells can be a sign of a much serious problem in your body system? Check out the list below:
1) Fishy Scent
-This can be a sign of a bacterial infection called 'vaginosis' which is caused by the imbalance of bacteria in the lady part called trichinosis. This is common yet curable. This may be accompanied of white or gray discharge but can be cured by antibiotics.
2) Metallic Scent
-This is commonly happening after periods or first s*x. Either can change the pH level in the private parts giving off the smell. However, if it stays longer, make sure to have it checked.
3) Yeasty/Bread Scent
-This is accompanied by thick discharge that is usually white and itchy. This is caused by yeast infection that gives off that bread-like odor.
4) Musky Scent
-This is caused by often wearing tight pants, giving your private part almost no room to breathe. This can be solved by washing your private part with mild soap and wearing loose clothing once in a while. This is not a serious condition at all.
5) Rotten Scent
-If your private part gives off smell you can't even take, then you must go to the doctor immediately. This can mean that a tampon was lost there somewhere and should be immediately taken out.
With this, Gottfriend assures women that the vagina is "a self-cleaning oven". It usually discharge bacteria and germs out of your system naturally. So just make sure to do the appropriate washing and no to synthetic underwear!

Source: TNP, Healthytips
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