Books are supposed to educate the readers of the content that it has. However, there are times that some people are writing things that tend to offend other people.
A book entitled ‘Do The Philippines: How To Make Love With Filipino Girls In The Philippines’ offended many Filipinas because of the content of the book.

The writer of the book Matt Forney wanted to give a guideline to the men out there about the ways on how they can easily get Filipina.
“Do the Philippines aims to be a must-read guide for any man who wants to make love to Filipinas while visiting the Philippines,” as written in the book.
Matt Forney even published an article on is website talking about the book. He mentioned that he spent the part of his last year in the Philippines. During his stay he claims that he: slept with more women than I did in the previous five years of my life.
He then made a statement that insulted the Filipinas in the country.
“It’s true that Filipinas are easy.”
Matt Forney, the writer is an author, blogger, entrepreneur and a journalist. He is originally from Syracause, New York. He proudly shares to the world that he is a part of the ‘manosphere elite’. The manosphere is a group of websites which are created to discuss the mysoginistic nature.
They often talk about women in a negative way. It has been their trademark.

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