When two person are in the heat of the moment trying to cherish what they have and what they are about to make, they tend to forget everything else. Just when they thought that everything was going according to plan something bad might happen to the private part of the man.

Did you know that there are several positions that might break the shaft of the manhood? Yes, this is according to the research of the experts.

There are different positions that could easily injure the shaft of the repr*ductive organ of the man if they would not take good care or be careful when they are having an interc*urse.
It can result to pen*le fracture which is something that men does not want to have.
A man should take precaution when they are already hearing a cracking sound in their banana which gives the chances that the lining of the c*rpus cavern*sum are broken.
Based on the study about the pen*le fracture, the results are the following:
Among the 44 studied cases, 42 (95.4%) were 34.5 years of age on average (ranging from 18-60). Heteros*xual interc*urse was the most common cause of broken banana (28 patients, 66.7%), followed by pen*le manipulation (6 patients, 14.3%), and homos*xual interc*urse (4 patients, 9.5%). Research suggests that the ‘woman on top’ position poses the most risk in breaking a man’s banana, with about roughly 50% risk followed by the d*ggy style which presents a 28.6% risk.
Source: CoolBuster, DailyCosmicFeed
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