The effect of social networking sites on just about every facet of a modern person’s life I virtually inescapable. Nowadays, people get to share parts of their lives that were once-upon-a-time near-impossible or socially unaccepted to reveal.
Case in point, this Russian photographer and his drop-dead-gorgeous models.
Chernyavsky Kirill, a Russian photographer who has over 312 thousand followers, had each one of them drooling after he and his models tried a daring and provocative version of the ‘Follow Me’ couple pictures. These couple pictures usually feature a man holding his lady by the hand while she leads the way.
The photo was first posted on Instagram and was liked over 3,000 times almost immediately. The ‘Folllow Me’ photo series was made popular by a couple named Muradd and Natalia Osmann.
Check out these other photos on his Instagram and tell us what you think!
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