The xenocentric advocacy of Donald Trump has created a massive influence of misplaced confidence and entitlement among many White Americans, as they have used the Trump rhetoric of “Let’s Make America Great (White) Again” to rampantly demean and ridicule other races.
Case in point, this possibly mentally-ill woman who attacked a woman in Koreatown, Oakwood Avenue in Los Angeles, California.
According to a Facebook user only identified as Lee, an old Korean grandmother from the neighbourhood would walk past the busy streets of Oakwood, Koreatown and say "Hello" to everyone who passed by her.
Last Thursday, February 2, she was forcibly pushed down to the ground by a plus-sized woman running and rammed past her as she walked along Western Avenue near Oakwood Avenue, as what surveillance videos show.

The CCTV footage was obtained from a local dry cleaner store and it showed how a younger woman pushed the older woman to the ground and took off running. Witnesses say that she yelled “White Power!” before she hurt the poor old grandmother. A cell phone video was taken after the incident and showed how bloody the older woman was from the broken eyeglasses which pierced her face.
The 27-year-old woman was apprehended by Los Angeles Police Department after a Good Samaritan, Young Sun Lee, ran and chased the fleeing bully. Sun Lee was a customer who just had his hair done from a local hair salon on the same street.

LAPD confirmed that they do not have a clear motive behind the hate crime but initial insight tells them that the attacker may suffer from mental illness.
Source: TNP , viral4real
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