Having big breasts can improve your figure and give you more sex appeal. However, not all women are endowed, and plastic surgeries and breasts implants cost a fortune! But don't worry! Here are some of unfamiliar plants that can help you achieve that cup you dreamed of!
-From the name itself, this plant originated from Greece. Unknown to many, its seeds are available at local pharmacies. To use it, soak the seeds overnight in 1/2 cup of water. Massage your breasts with the water you used to soak the seeds.
Greater burdock
-This herb is good both for the reproductive system and breasts' tissues. Intake of this helps increase the blood circulation in the breasts thus enhances the breasts.
-This is a popular ingredient in tea to help calm babies. It is made of compounds such as dianethole, anethole, and photoanethile which helps increase the level of estrogen in the body. It also contains phytosestrogen compound which is used to increase the breasts' milk of nursing mothers thus stimulates breast growth.
-Almost composed of same compounds as that of Fennel, it also helps boosts breasts' growth.
-This is popularly used as seasoning in China. Eating this herb by putting it in your salad or soup supposedly boosts breast growth.
Pueraria, Miriria
-Originated from Thailand and is used as an active ingredient for anti-wrinkle cream and lotions. However, this is also used for pills and creams to increase breasts' size.

Source: TNP, CentralReaders
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