If clubs nowadays won’t let you come in if you’re not 18 or 21 yet, well this you’re about to read will surely blow your mind!
Canguro fest matinee is not just your ordinary matinee. These KIDS are not 18 or 21 years old and above. They are 10, 9 and even 8 years old! Yes, you read it right.
These kids have piercings, expandera and surprisingly, they even smoke. It is all exposed on their Facebook page. It’s like ‘Project X’ kids version that you won’t believe that it is happening, legit. This event was organized by unknown adults and their names does not appear anywhere and only the pictures of the children are shown in their page.
Children at this age should be at home with their parents, playing with their friends and studying. However, a petition was made for this event. 220 people has supported this movement and still in need of supporters.

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