Jamie-Lynne Knighten shares her heartwarming encounter with a kindhearted stranger during her grocery. She was about to pay for her $ 200 worth grocery when she realized that she left home her debit card and unfortunately, her Canadian card was being declined by the machine.
She was already thinking of cancelling her purchase as the line got longer.
However, when a kindhearted stranger saw her problem, he helped without hesitation and offered to pay for her groceries instead.
"May I take care of your groceries?" the kindhearted stranger named Matthew Jackson offered.
Jackson's offer shocked her considering how large her purchase was and so despite her need, she politely declined.
However, Jackson insisted and shocked her even more when he said "pay it forward" instead, to do the same thing for someone else who would need it.
It moved her and so she agreed thinking she would when the time comes, she got to know Jackson afterwards and learned that he worked in a local gym. She would never forget the stranger and his heartwarming hug.
However, a week after when she tried to contact the man, she learned from his boss how the 28-year-old Jackson passed away the very next day after their encounter in a car accident.
"I though for sure I would get a chance to see him again. Give him a hug, Say thank you."
Jackson may have passed away but his good deed stayed with Knighten and she will carry out his generousity and kindheartedness to strangers.
She created a page named 'Matthews Legacy' to share the encounter and stories of people like Matthew.
Source: TNP , Viral4real
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