Did you ever played that tooth fairy game where you keep your tooth that fell out under your bed hoping that the tooth fairy will exchange it to money? Well, for most of us as kids, we dread the thought of our teeth falling out. It was almost our first bloody encounter and besides, missing teeth isn't actually appealing!
But did you know that keeping your children's teeth can save their lives on their adulthood? According to a study in 2003, these milk teeth are rich in stem cells, the protocells that can be cultivated to different kinds of cells if necessay.
In short, this can be a source when the child would need any replacement tissue when he/she gets old. Lab technicians claims that they can grow tissues coming from the milk teeth! Amazing, right?
It is also believed that these teeth can treat different diseases. Doctors now advise parents to save the milk teeth of their children and who knows, it might help you, someday!

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