Mocha Uson surprised the head of Department of Social and Welfare Development, Judy M. Taguiwalo when she visited the NCR center of the said Department.
Mocha Uson was there to know the real status of the facilities of the DSWD-NCR and to ask the public for support.
She brought groceries and goods for the children who are under the care of DSWD. Mocha serves as a bridge to the people who can help and to the departments who needs help.
The performer aims to make an appeal to the public if they can help support the centers and the staff of DSWD so that they can provide better service to their clients.
The online community gave her praises for the little act of kindness that she portrayed.
“Hanga ako sau Mocha iilan lang kaung mga taga showbiz may tunay na malasakit sa mahihirap at hindi kau takot na makipag salamuha sa kanila, yung ibang showbiz personalities mga pakitang tao lang mga Tupper Ware pala sa totoong buhay!!!!” –Mike Teodoro
Mocha Uson invited the public to become a volunteer in DSWD. She has a goal of visiting different centers every week. The public are welcome to give their donations in goods. Cash donations won’t be accepted.
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