Mother-so relationship just got turned into romance. 36-year-old Monica Mares fell in love with her 19-year old son Caleb Peterson.
But their mother-son relationship is not so typical as well. Mares bore Peterson when she was still 16. Due to inability to support the kid, she gave her up for adoption right after he was born.
But after 18 years, they got connected to Facebook and it didn’t take long before Peterson asked her to pick him up in his adoptive father’s place.
It wasn’t a love at first sight. They saw each other again after 18 years and gave each other a hug fitting for a mother and son separated for so long. Peterson decided to stay with his mom, in new Mexico. But after some time, they developed a romantic relationship.
Mares narrated: ‘It felt like I met somebody new in my life and I fell in love with him. At first I told him, “I’m sorry I don’t know how you are going to react to this. I’m your mom and you’re my son, but I’m falling in love with you”.
But to her surprise, Peterson admitted the same too and said: You know what I am too. I was scared to let you know”. This is where they decided to date and started having physical intimacy. They started holding hands, and kissing, and kissing led to other things.
But unfortunately, incest is a crime in Clovis, New Mexico, a fourth–degree felony. They are both facing the charges and 18-months jailtime if found guilty and is waiting for their trial in September.
Despite that, they vowed to fight for their love especially Peterson and said:
‘In two years time I can see us living together happily living our lives,’ he said. ‘True love can do anything.
‘This whole case is about whether I have the right to love somebody and I sure as hell have the right to love Monica.
‘You can’t tell me who to love, who not to love.’
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