Recently, the sexy actress from Kapuso network named Lovi Poe posted a video on her official instagram account about this young student from Colegio de San Agustin. The young male named Kurt Xavier Rafanan who is in Grade 11 bravely walked up to Lovi and asked her to be his prom date. Lovi was at the Colegio de San Agustin, her highschool alma mater having a talk when this happened.
At first, the actress told him that she would be talking about it but when she visited the school again, Kurt took the courage to ask her out again in front of his batchmates and this time, Lovi said yes.
Lovi kept her promise and attended the prom with Kurt Rafanan. They took photos together and posted it along with the caption of:
With my prom prince @kurteous5 .❤️ He is Indeed a true gentleman.
By the way… I felt like I’m in high school again the moment he asked me to dance.❤️ Thank you Kurt! I had an awesome time! 💃🏻😊 once again thank you @tonyevanmanila for my beautiful red dress!!❤️
She claims that she feel as if she is in highschool again when she got asked and decided to attend the school event.
Source: Instagram/poevirginia
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