Ever wonder why girls wear bras? Originally, bras help the breast to stay in place especially the bigger ones. But recently, the National No Bra Day and scientist revealed the disadvantages of the habit to raise the awareness of breast cancer.
Though it helps in some way, bras have more negative effects than the positive. A sport Science Researcher, and professor at the University of Franche–Comte– Jean Dennis Roullion conducted a 15-year research on the advantage and disadvantages of wearing bras on 330 women ages 18 to 35. What he found out was those who did not wear bras have perkier breasts!
“In the study women that stopped wearing bras-through choice, not as a requirement of the study were lifted 7-milliliter in their nipples when compared with regular bra users. Bras, they claim, could interfere in blood circulation and reduce breast tone overtime.”he said. They used a slide rule and caliper the measure the changes of the breats year in and year out.
Roullion also shared “Medically, physiologically, anatomically-breast gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra,
This was seconded by Dr Staffor Broumand and stated for Refinery 29, “For younger women, not wearing bra will lead to increased collagen production and elasticity, which improves lift in developing breast.
Source: TNP, CentralReaders
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